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Community Outreach Ministries Report – Submitted by Mitzi Jones Next meeting on 8/18/20. July Giving Tree Sunday July 26 10:30 -12:00 Trinity Parking Lot.
Trinity Tutors
This group of volunteers tutors first and second graders for about an hour weekly in three schools in the Harrisburg School District.
Needs: composition books, pencil boxes, packs of tissues, #2 pencils, erasers

Camp Curtin YMCA
Camp Curtin believes that “communities are only successful if they give everyone the opportunity to be healthy, confident, connected and secure.” Membership rates are based on household income with a goal that no one is turned away due to inability to pay.
Needs: Pampers and baby wipes, deodorant, dish soap, laundry detergent, feminine products, paper products

Ecumenical Food Pantry
Housed at Messiah Lutheran Church, Harrisburg, this food distribution program has served the community for more than 40 years.
Needs: non-perishable food items including canned fruits, vegetables, beans, chicken, tuna, rice, macaroni and cheese, dried pasta, pasta sauce, peanut butter, baby food/formula

Christ Lutheran Medical Mission
Located in the facilities of Allison Hill’s Christ Lutheran Church, this assistance program provides prenatal, medical and dental care to more than 800 local residents each month.
Needs: honey, small toothpaste tubes, bars of soap, plastic rain ponchos