Chair, Capital Development Financial Advisory Task Force Report – Submitted by Bob Frymoyer Next meeting on To be determined. As indicated in my report of last month, the two reports that I am submitting provide updated information on the status of our capital development project, especially how we are doing financially with respect to expected costs and available and anticipated revenues. The Plan of Finance that I am submitting today, August 10, 2020, is an update to the Plan of Finance document associated with the congregational approval of the project in September 2019.
Both documents show that our project, although beginning later than expected, appears on sound financial health. We suggest we proceed with cautious optimism.
We would like the opportunity to review the documents for discussion and comment at our Council meeting via Zoom tomorrow evening (Tuesday, August 11, 2020). They are planned for distribution to the congregation through our web and various media later this week.
Thank you.
Bob Frymoyer, Chair
Capital Development Financial Advisory Task Force