Capital Appeal Financial Advisory Report – Submitted by Bob Frymoyer Next meeting on Tbd. Summary of October
1) receipts of $37,800 plus transfer of $2600 unused and remaining of campaign expenses (includes a single pledged $30,000 payment). Other member receipts totaled $7,600.
2) $45,000 Appeal fund balance as of October 31
3). $63,000 in outstanding pledges of which roughly $50,000 can be expected, likely approximately $ 15,000 for the remainder of this year.
4) Finance Committee action to apply an additional $10,000 from Ron Katzman estate to be applied in November.
5) how and when to repay our $84,000 in internal loans (35,000 from budget positive cash) to be determined.
6) $191,000 external bank loan remains with $4100 in monthly debt service payment .
7) need to determine how much of 2022 budget receipts need to be applied to debt service.