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Arts Team Facilitator Report – Submitted by Mary Haar Next meeting on TBD. Bob Frymoyer and I met with Amy Koch in January to discuss the opportunity of a "Music Camp" this summer. During the meeting, it was decided the money from the Gordon Fry Estate would be allocated in three other ways. First, the preschool will be open this summer, and they would like to integrate music appreciation into this. Second, Amy Koch notified Kelly Faulk about the potential for the money to also be allocated for the purchase of musical instruments for the students in the Camp Hill schools. Third, Bob Frymoyer was also going to talk to Holly Frymoyer and Maggie Ackerman about an allocation for the tutoring program in Harrisburg.

The request for the Gordon Fry Estate for the new fiscal year was sent to Jennifer Doyle, President and CEO of the Foundation for Enhancing Communities. We received a message from Ms Doyle informing us that the allocation for next year is $29,971. We are grateful for the money and how this does enhance our opportunities with the arts. Bob Frymoyer and I will meet again in February to discuss the allocation for the 2025-2026 year.

Marcia Brown, Patty Marshall, and I met with Steve Kauffman in January to discuss the possibility of "updating" the first floor of the education wing. The ladies were confused as to why this is a priority, when it was a beautiful mural painted by Amy Heinly. After further discussions and understanding the Property Committee's side of the story, my team decided to meet again but this time with Amy Heinly. Pastor Brock attended the meeting, and for this I am very thankful. He informed us that Mary Kay Fager was approached about the painting over of the murals in 122 and 124 that she had done years ago. She informed him the murals were for a specific time, and it was fine. The team was also informed that the rooms in the first floor are also being used for lunches and meetings more often. To help this project move along a little more, the artists were happy to hear that Amy Heinly was approached to do another mural, but in the hallway of the second floor of the education wing where the children currently have classes. We decided to meet again the week before Property Committee meets in March. Patty Marshall and Amy Heinly will work on a plan for updating the hallway, tying their artistic talents into it. We appreciate the opportunities for our voices to be heard about this. We look forward to getting feedback from Steve Kauffman and Pastor Brock, too.

February 10 is the next concert in the concert series. This concert highlights the Youth Symphony, which is always a delight.

Mary Haar