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November 9, 2021 Council Reports

By | November 9, 2021 Council Reports

Capital Appeal Financial Advisory Report – Submitted by Bob Frymoyer Next meeting on Tbd. Summary of October
1) receipts of $37,800 plus transfer of $2600 unused and remaining of campaign expenses (includes a single pledged $30,000 payment). Other member receipts totaled $7,600.
2) $45,000 Appeal fund balance as of October 31
3). $63,000 in outstanding pledges of which roughly $50,000 can be expected, likely approximately $ 15,000 for the remainder of this year.
4) Finance Committee action to apply an additional $10,000 from Ron Katzman estate to be applied in November.
5) how and when to repay our $84,000 in internal loans (35,000 from budget positive cash) to be determined.
6) $191,000 external bank loan remains with $4100 in monthly debt service payment .
7) need to determine how much of 2022 budget receipts need to be applied to debt service.

By | November 9, 2021 Council Reports

Strategic Planning Report – Submitted by Bob Frymoyer Next meeting on Week of 11/29. We are off and running with our post-COVID strategic plan for Trinity. Our group met on 11/3 and have developed an early draft outline and timetable for the plan, expected to be two years rather than three years in length, thereby coinciding with staff and leadership development. We expect there to be five main goals with related benchmarked and measurable action steps. The tentative timeline is to solicit input and further develop the plan for Council approval in January and to be presented to the congregation at its annual meeting in late January. Matt Bingaman and I will provide a briefing at our meeting on November 9.

By | November 9, 2021 Council Reports

Art Committee facilitator Report – Submitted by Mary Haar Next meeting on TBD. The decision not to have receptions following the Harrisburg Singers Concert on December 4 and the Christmas at Trinity concert on December 12 was difficult again this year. Much information and data about COVID was taken into consideration when making the decision. Hopefully next year we can have some celebrations after the Christmas concerts.

Marcia Brown, Steve Kauffman, and I will be meeting on December 3 to discuss rehanging art work.

By | November 9, 2021 Council Reports

Missions Report – Submitted by Mary Ellen Hettinger Next meeting on 11/17/21. We met on October 20th as a special budget meeting and have prepared and sent in out Missions budget proposal for 2022. With prayerful consideration, we hope our focus for 2022 and beyond is to engage our team and Trinity members in more active and engaging support for groups we choose to sponsor and support. Giving Tree and ELCA Good Gifts is out focus for November/December.- Mary Ellen Hettinger