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September 14, 2021 Council Reports

By | September 14, 2021 Council Reports

Missions Report – Submitted by Mary Ellen Hettinger Next meeting on 091521. Next meeting is this Wed 9.15.21

World hunger bread sale in August was a success and slowly working back to more normal times. This meeting we will address plans for fall, how to increase team members, plans for virtual meeting with Rev. Viking , support efforts for our mission partners and others-Mary Ellen Hettinger

By | September 14, 2021 Council Reports

Strategic Planning Committee Report – Submitted by Bob Frymoyer Next meeting on Planned for October. The Committee will begin developing Trinity’s next three year plan for 2022 through 2024 in October. Recent ministerial initiatives will be key to the plan along with additional action steps/goals resulting from contacts with staff, committees, and the congregation.

By | September 14, 2021 Council Reports

Capital Appeal Financial Advisory Group Report – Submitted by Bob Frymoyer Next meeting on Tbd. As a result of letters, telephone calls, and personal contacts we have reduced the amount of our loan. We realized nearly $15,000 in August appeal giving. There is over $90,000 in outstanding pledges and we can expect continued non-pledged giving. We have written and verbal commitments to expect at least $40,000 in “significant” outstanding pledges by the end of the year.
As a result of the above we recommended to the Finance Committee to borrow from existing operating reserves to reduce our external bank loan to $200,000, thereby reducing our monthly debt service payments. The Finance Committee took such action at its meeting last week.
We still will have nearly $700/month in interest due in our loan with amortization amounts in excess of $4,000 monthly. How to meet this obligation into the new year (and reimburse our operating fund) as appeal receipts decline needs to be addressed.