It’s time to Circle Up at Trinity! For far too long we have been sitting in our rows while participating in livestream (or outdoor) worship and in our chairs as we personally talk to God. It is now time to get into a circle and reconnect with others from Trinity. Our Fellowship team has put together several fun opportunities (in person and via Zoom) for this to happen.
There are a wide range of themes to choose from for all ages, couples, singles, parents and families. You pick the event, we provide conversation starters on topics that cover everything and anything! Each event will be hosted by Rick Sten, popular radio personality and Fellowship chair, and co-hosted by members of the Fellowship team.
“Circle Up” is a fun, laid back way to once again experience those relationships that make the Trinity family so special…not to mention, we have a lot of catching up to do. Event size is limited so we kindly ask that you only register for one event.
Event Schedule
Two Truths and a Lie
Monday, September 21, at 6:30 pm
In Person (Trinity Lawn)
Folks of any age bring to the table 3 statements – 2 are true and 1 is not – the group tries to uncover the big fibs! This event will be limited to 10 people. Please bring chairs or blankets to sit on the lawn. REGISTER NOW for this group.
It Ain’t Easy Being Me
Thursday, September 24, at 6:30 pm
Via Zoom
Moms and Dads, let’s talk parenting…2020 style! What are your biggest challenges? Stumbled on a great idea you’d like to share? Join the group for commiseration, laughs, and support! This event will be limited to 10 people. REGISTER NOW for this group.
Drive Up and Speak Up
Monday, September 28, at 6:30 pm
In Person (Trinity Parking Lot)
Designed for seniors (or those who would prefer to sit close to their vehicles) for some outdoor chit-chat. You park the car, we spark the conversation! It’s bumper-to-bumper Lutheran banter. This event will be limited to 10 cars. REGISTER NOW for this group.
Tour de Camp Hill
Sunday, October 4, at 2:00 pm
Meet in the Trinity Parking Lot
Hop on your bike and come on out for this fun ride through the beautiful town of Camp Hill. We will meet in the church parking lot and go for a nice, easy ride. Perfect for riders of all ages and skill levels. This event will be hosted by Fellowship Team members Kathy Holmes and Ellen Ney. This event will be limited to 15 riders. REGISTER NOW for this group.