Executive Committee – Ryan Sheaffer, Chair
The Executive Committee consists of the President, Vice President and Secretary of the Congregation Council, the chairs of the Administration and Personnel, Church Property and the Finance Committees and the Lead Pastor. Between meetings of the Congregation Council, the Executive Committee has all of the authority of the Congregation Council, with the exception of borrowing money. This Committee is periodically called upon to act in place of the Council when routine actions are required that are time sensitive or when it is impractical or impossible to convene the entire Council.
Administration and Personnel Committee – Beth Maurer, Chair
The Administration and Personnel (A&P) Committee is the Human Resources Department of the Church and is involved in all employment areas – salary, health insurance, pension – for both the rostered staff and lay employees. The Committee is also responsible for administering, reviewing and updating the policies and procedures that guide the congregation.
Arts Team – Mary Haar, Facilitator
The Arts Team is responsible for helping to spread the Gospel through music and art. The team assists the Director of Music Ministries with the yearly concert series and arranges for monthly art exhibits in the Gathering Space. The team also oversees the maintenance of all the permanent artwork in addition to being the curators.
Community Outreach Ministries Team – Kim Hoover, Facilitator
The Community Outreach Ministries Team is responsible for stimulating the congregation to have a broadened perspective of our Christian responsibility to the needs of people within our community. The team focuses on the needs of the people in the Harrisburg and West Shore Regional Areas. Click here to see a list of the community organizations and ministries that we support.
Faith Formation Team – Serena Fedor, Facilitator
In cooperation with the pastors and program staff, the Faith Formation Team is responsible for organizing, promoting and supervising learning ministry opportunities for all ages within the congregation that are consistent with the teachings, principles and practices of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Finance Committee – Bob Frymoyer, Chair
The Finance Committee is responsible for the oversight of all financial affairs of the congregation. All Funds are received, processed, recorded and disbursed in accordance with policies set forth and adopted through the Congregation Council. The Finance Committee is responsible for balancing projected receipts against expenditures in order to maintain fiscal integrity. This is done by working along with chairpersons of all Trinity committees and with the committee liaisons to Council. The committee oversees memorial gifts, the endowment fund, capital campaigns, designated funds and board-designated reserves, and works with committees to use these funds in Trinity’s mission and ministry. The committee also provides information and reports to the congregation regarding the status of Trinity’s financial gifts and their use.
Hospitality Team – Rachel Norris, Facilitator
The Hospitality Team shall nurture, stimulate and lead members and visitors of the congregation to strengthen and deepen their faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This committee is responsible for Trinity’s fellowship groups and activities which may include Garden of Eatin, the Chili Cookoff, Octoberfest, New Member receptions, Summer Sundaes concert, or any event that facilitates Christian hospitality and fellowship.
IT/AV Team – Jon Lobaugh, Facilitator
The IT/AV Team is responsible for developing and maintaining an annual maintenance support budget to encompass all technical equipment, procuring new IT/AV equipment, establishing and maintaining training programs and developing a master IT/AV plan.
Missions Team – Mary Ellen Hettinger, Facilitator
The Missions Team educates the congregation and advocates for policy changes to assure that all persons on our planet have access to adequate nutrition, clean water and basic health care. They serve as a liaison between our congregation ELCA affiliated missions as well as missionaries supported directly by our congregation. Click here to see all of the Missions that we support.
Parish Ministry Team – The Reverend John Brock, Facilitator
The Parish Ministry Team is responsible for assisting the pastors in promoting the general welfare of the congregation and to assist the congregation in responding to the needs of the sick, the infirm and the suffering within the congregation. Click here to see a list of all the specific ministries that this team is responsible for.
Property Committee – Dave Rupnik, Chair
The Property Committee is responsible for the proper care, protection and maintenance of the church property. The committee not only oversees the immediate needs of the property and buildings, but also maintains a long range plan of major capital improvements and maintenance requirements.
Publicity and Communication Team – Mary Alin Lubold, Facilitator
The Publicity and Communication Team is responsible for the internal and external communications of Trinity. The team is responsible for the congregation’s advertising in both print and social media platforms. They are responsible for the oversight of the weekly bulletins, the newsletters, the annual report, the congregation directory and the Trinity Website.
Give, Serve, Lead Team (Stewardship) – David Butcher, Facilitator
The Stewardship Team is responsible for implementing a year-round stewardship emphasis for the congregation. The team strives to increase every member’s understanding of the theological and biblical basis of stewardship of our time, our talent, and our treasure. The team’s major emphasis is to communicate to the congregation in a consistent and frequent way the connection between our faith and the blessings we have been given by God and how we as God’s people have an obligation to use our time, our talent, and our treasure as a way of deepening our faith and to the Glory of God.
Strategic Planning Committee – Bob Frymoyer, Chair
The Strategic Planning Committee is responsible for developing and maintaining a 5- to 10-year strategic plan to carry out the congregation approved mission and vision of the Trinity Church. This committee is responsible for soliciting and analyzing information from the congregation in order to develop and implement future-oriented planning. They are to provide recommendations and guidance on Trinity’s mission, ministry and infrastructure for the future. Click here to see our current Strategic Plan.
Worship Ministry Team – Julie Ward, Facilitator
The Worship Ministry Team, in cooperation with the pastors, the Director of Music Ministries and the Director of Music for Contemporary Worship, is responsible for worship services and devotional aids that meet the diverse worship needs of the congregation and are consistent with the liturgical worship practices of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Youth Ministry Team – Alex Bowman, Facilitator
The Youth Ministry Team, in cooperation with the Director of Youth Ministry, is responsible for helping to guide each youth member of the congregation to a more mature faith in Jesus Christ and to integrate Christianity into the total life of each youth member.