The Confirmation program is a special opportunity for students in grades 7 & 8 to continue their faith journey as they learn more about Christianity in the Lutheran tradition. This program will prepare the students to affirm the vows that were made for them at their baptism. Moses Kavishe, Director of Faith Formation, and Adrienne Brady, long time Confirmation volunteer, will be the primary moderators of the class. Pastors Horner, Brock, and Frey will also be spending time with the students during this program.

Most classes will include Small Group Discussion Leaders to facilitate the discussions of the weekly topic.  Class attendance and participation is the most critical part of this program. There will be some written assignments that will be completed outside of the Sunday morning class time.

Confirmation classes will begin on Sunday, September 17, at 10 am. Parents are required to attend with their child on the first Sunday only. We will provide an overview of the program and address any questions in that session. If you have any questions prior to that date, please contact Moses directly. Please use the form below to register your child prior to September 10. 

Special notes: Children who were in 8th grade last year will be confirmed on Saturday, October 28. Children who were in 7th grade last year are automatically enrolled in class this year (no need to register again.) Watch your emails for information about the upcoming year. If your child is older and is interested in being confirmed, please reach out to Moses Kavishe to discuss.

Register now!

  • Parent 1 Information

  • Parent 2 Information