Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous work among all the peoples.

The Missions Team strives to stimulate our congregation to a worldwide perspective of Christ’s call to love and serve others. The team works to educate Trinity members so that we all share a vision of mission which spreads the Gospel, feeds the hungry, advocates for the powerless, responds to disasters, trains new leaders for ministry, and works in accompaniment with Christians around the world. Our primary focus is with Lutheran ministries, especially those of the ELCA and its partners in ministry. We encourage your participation and questions; fill out the form below to get involved!

Missions organizations supported by Trinity Camp Hill

We are proud to support the following organizations and campaigns. Please click on the links to learn more about them.

Special Events

Look for these special events throughout the year to support our Mission ministries.

• Bread Sale, August. Donate dollars to help eradicate world hunger through ELCA’s World Hunger Initiative.
ELCA Good Gifts. This program offers more than 50 gift-giving options, starting at just $10, that provide direct support for the churchwide ministries of the ELCA.
• Lent Offering. The offerings we receive go support a designated ministry.
• Giving Tree Project. The offerings we receive go support a designated ministry.

Our hands around the world

Meet our missionaries and global partners carrying out God's work around the world.

The ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission program invites ELCA young adults ages 21-35 into a transformative, year-long journey in international service. As they offer themselves in service, ELCA young adults are shaped by the witness of our global neighbors. They share in the journeys of companion churches and organizations in one of six country programs around the world. In 2023/2024, Trinity is proud to sponsor Joshua Kenst as he serves in Senegal. Click here to learn more about Josh’s Easter celebrations and how he was able to spend some time on vacation. Click here to read his final message and what is in store for his future.

Tree 4 Hope  is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to providing a bright future of long-term hope for children, elders, and their families in Guatemala and around the world through educational, health, and mental wellness outreach programs. Recently, they opened an all girls STEAM school in Guatemala called Hope Academy. Click here to learn more about this organization. 

Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Rocky Boy’s Indian Reservation Trinity is a ministry partner with this Native American ELCA congregation. It is located on the Rocky Boy’s Reservation in north central Montana which is home to the Chippewa Cree tribe. Started in 1920, this congregation serves the community through worship, youth programs, a sewing /craft group, year-round cross-cultural immersion events and servant groups for all ages, and provides space for other activities of the community as a whole. Read the current newsletter HERE.

On Eagle’s Wings Ministries Trinity supports this ecumenical Christian ministry that serves people in more than 40 remote communities in Canada’s Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Their mission is simple: Proclaim Jesus Christ and serve the Church and individuals in remote and isolated areas of Northern Canada.

Companion Synod: Konde Diocese, Tanzania We support the pastor’s fund and scholarships at Manow Lutheran Junior Seminary, similar to a high school and junior college. Click here to read the latest blog post from​ Deacon April Trout, Lower Susquehanna Synod-ELCA liaison to Konde Diocese-ELCT. Please note that there is a formatting error in the blog post in regards to the LSS churches that have a sister church in Tanzania. Trinity is proud to be a participating LSS Congregation along with our sister church in the Konde Diocese, Kambasegera.

Are you interested in travelling internationally? Or just curious about advisories in countries where we have missionaries? Find more information at one of these links: 

CDC guidance for traveling to foreign countries.
State Department advisories for travel to foreign countries.

Want to know more?

We encourage your participation and questions! Please fill out the form below to get involved.

  • Ready to make a difference in the world?

    Please select the areas you are interested in and a member of our team will be in touch!