Administration & Personnel Report – Submitted by Patti Shatto Next meeting on September 6, 2023. The committee met briefly on Wednesday, June 7. The review of policies that fall strictly under the A&P committee was completed. It is hoped all the job descriptions will be reviewed with Trinity staff over the next several months. This will complete the policy and job description review that has been an ongoing project for the last several years.
Administration & Personnel Report – Submitted by Patti Shatto Next meeting on May 3, 2023. The A&P committee met on March 8, 2023. At this meeting, most of the remaining job descriptions were reviewed. Administrative changes were made to some of them in order to reflect updated job titles. The committee also began the process of reviewing policies. We hope to complete the policy review at the May meeting.
Administration & Personnel Report – Submitted by Patti Shatto Next meeting on March 8, 2023. The committee met February 8. The focus of the meeting was reviewing and updating job descriptions for all Trinity staff. This process will conclude in March. The committee will then move on to reviewing the policies in force in order to ensure they are in compliance with current law.
Administration & Personnel Report – Submitted by Patti Shatto Next meeting on December 7, 2022 (tentative). A&P met twice in October. The second meeting was focused on finalizing the budget request for 2023. We are trying to work our way through the various job description and policy changes that are needed and hope to get many of those tasks done in the coming months.