Register Now for Wednesday Connect
October 7, 14, 21, and 28
7:00 pm (In-Person) or Via Zoom (4 pm and 8 pm)
We are excited to announce that Wednesday Connect will be returning this Fall. Each week will begin with a video presentation, followed by small group discussions. Due to the current circumstances, we will not be serving any meals and there will not be a nursery or childcare available. We will meet together (in-person) at 7:00 pm. or you may also choose to join one of our Zoom groups, that will meet at 4 pm and 8 pm.
This season we will all be learning and growing together using a series called DIVIDED. If you were like most you were taught at young age to “get along” with the people around you. As we get older, though, we realize that this is often easier said than done. We have disagreements about many things, but most notably, we struggle to get along with acquaintances, friends, and even family members who hold different political beliefs than we do. In this series, as we see the way Jesus navigated the difficult world of politics in His day, we’ll discover what it looks like to choose people over politics no matter what—even when we disagree.