
March 14, 2023 Council Reports

By | March 14, 2023 Council Reports

Capital Appeal Financial Report – Submitted by Bob Frymoyer Next meeting on ?. Our debt is now $33,000 from our appeal project budget. Appeal giving in February was $4,500 which was lower than in previous months due to pledges being completed. Despite members giving beyond their pledges and continued non-pledged giving (for which we are grateful), we can expect monthly giving to be reduced. Nonetheless, we expect to be nearly debt free by the end of the year.
But, we will continue to pay our quasi-endowment remaining debt of approximately $200,000 with conintued capital development giving. This will be along with applying 30% of our endowment proceeds toward the quasi debt, pending Council action this month. We plan to do additional review of outstanding pledges after March giving us determined. (See also Finance Chair’s report.)