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May 11, 2021 Council Reports

By | May 11, 2021 Council Reports

Strategic Planning Committee Report – Submitted by Bob Frymoyer Next meeting on Expected July. 2020 report on status of goals/action steps published in February; preliminary discussions on the three year plan are underway and will be undertaken in earnest once capital appeal focus is complete and in person post COVID worship becomes more normal.

By | May 11, 2021 Council Reports

Capital Appeal Financial Subcommittee Report – Submitted by Bob Frymoyer Next meeting on Ongoing. As we move into the final stages of construction, we are increasingly faced with the potential need for borrowing for a period longer than the next few months (current loan balance is approximate $380,000). While revenues continue to be received each month at a reasonable rate ($15,000 for April), we nonetheless continue with an expected shortfall, likely in at least the $200,000 range. We are optimistic that our May “bring us over the finish line to be debt free” initiative, including multi-media efforts, letters to specifically focused congregational groups, and the May 23 Open House, will help to reduce our exposure. We will be in a better position to know after these efforts and thereby the extent to which we will need to address debt service from other revenue sources.