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Neither accepted nor welcomed?

Steve Kauffman, 41, was raised in an Anabaptist Christian church in a rural area of central Pennsylvania. He continued that tradition when he moved to Harrisburg as a young adult. At the same time, he sought to develop and expand his passion for religion by exploring other faith communities.

As part of that exploration, he realized that the church he had attended for most of his life was not the best fit for him as a gay man. Even with his strong faith, including his unshakable belief in God, he knew and felt that he was neither fully accepted nor fully welcomed in his church community.

An active Trinity member and longtime friend—who has since become a Lutheran pastor—invited Steve to worship here. He immediately felt welcome and began to attend regularly. Within months, he had become active himself: chair of Fellowship, usher, lector, communion assistant, and eventually assisting minister.

After more than a decade of membership, Steve was hired for the position of Trinity’s Director of Administration. Soon thereafter, he also assumed the duties of property manager. He is a trusted, valued, and respected member of Trinity’s staff.

Steve knows that not everyone agrees with who he is as a person. Yet he has never felt that he cannot be that person at Trinity, or that he has had to hide his identity. He appreciates the acceptance and is glad to be part of the Trinity family.

Your support of Trinity’s mission and ministries allows everyone to feel welcome here. Steve and the entire staff of Trinity thank you for your generosity.